Super Mario Odyssey Game Over Mechanic Explained

Nintendo have made things a little bit more accessible for new Mario fans, detailing the fairly light implications of death in Super Mario Odyssey.

When Mario’s health reaches 0, he plunges to the depths, and his held coin count decreases by 10. However…! No many how many times he fails, there is no Game Over.

In other words – if you’re in a situation where you have less than 9 coins, afterwards, you won’t get a GAME OVER. Have fun exploring without any worries!

Odyssey looks set to be more of an Adventure game than the typical Mario Platformer or Sandbox Mario that we’re used to. A move like this is probably for the best – the difficulty in Mario games should stay as level design and challenge based.

As a side note, the word used here for blacking out/failing – 奈落「ならく」 – can also mean the “depths of hell”. That’s dark.
