Super Mario Odyssey jump mechanic explained, allows Mario to jump

If you didn’t know already – there’s a Super Mario Odyssey jump mechanic, and it allows Mario to jump. Translating everything means translating the slow stuff.

Super Mario Odyssey vehicle - Sphinx

Jumping has been a staple of Mario games since…the creation of Mario. Relive those glory days and reunite with the Jump in Mario’s latest adventure. And if you’re feeling particularly bold, jump a few times in a row. You might just jump a little higher. Or, just jump to something more relevant – like the recent Mario Odyssey Tweets which have been quite decent.

Come on Nintendo Japan – deliver us the goods!

It’s the fundamental action, the 「Jump」。
When you jump in succession, leap twice, then three times.
Reach places the normal jump can’t with agile ease.

Jumping normally is overrated anyway.
